
Cuong Tuan Nguyen's selected publications.


  1. PRL
    Syntactic data generation for handwritten mathematical expression recognition
    Thanh Nghia Truong, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and Masaki Nakagawa
    Pattern Recognition Letters, 2022
  2. Learning Symbol Relation Tree for Online Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
    Thanh Nghia Truong, Hung Tuan Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings - 6th IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition, ACPR 2021, 2022
  3. Fully Automated Short Answer Scoring of the Trial Tests for Common Entrance Examinations for Japanese University
    Haruki Oka, Hung Tuan Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings - 23rd International Conference Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED 2022, 2022


  1. PRL
    Clustering online handwritten mathematical expressions
    Huy Quang Ung, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Khanh Minh Phan, and 2 more authors
    Pattern Recognition Letters, Jun 2021
  2. Clustering of handwritten mathematical expressions for computer-assisted marking
    Vu Tran Minh KHUONG, Khanh Minh PHAN, Huy Quang UNG, and 2 more authors
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Jun 2021
  3. ICDAR-W
    A Transformer-Based Math Language Model for Handwritten Math Expression Recognition
    Huy Quang Ung, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Hung Tuan Nguyen, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR 2021 Workshops, Jun 2021
  4. ICDAR
    Global Context for Improving Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
    Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Thanh Nghia Truong, Hung Tuan Nguyen, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR 2021, Jun 2021
  5. ICDAR
    GSSF: A Generative Sequence Similarity Function Based on a Seq2Seq Model for Clustering Online Handwritten Mathematical Answers
    Huy Quang Ung, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Hung Tuan Nguyen, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR 2021, Jun 2021
  6. ICDAR-W
    Relation-Based Representation for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
    Thanh Nghia Truong, Huy Quang Ung, Hung Tuan Nguyen, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR 2021 Workshops, Jun 2021
  7. ICDAR-W
    Temporal Classification Constraint for Improving Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
    Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Hung Tuan Nguyen, Kei Morizumi, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR 2021 Workshops, Jun 2021


  1. PRL
    An attention-based row-column encoder-decoder model for text recognition in Japanese historical documents
    Nam Tuan Ly, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and Masaki Nakagawa
    Pattern Recognition Letters, Jun 2020
  2. A unified method for augmented incremental recognition of online handwritten Japanese and English text
    Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Bipin Indurkhya, and Masaki Nakagawa
    International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, Jun 2020
  3. PRL
    Nom document digitalization by deep convolution neural networks
    Kha Cong Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and Masaki Nakagawa
    Pattern Recognition Letters, Jun 2020
  4. PRL
    CNN based spatial classification features for clustering offline handwritten mathematical expressions
    Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Vu Tran Minh Khuong, Hung Tuan Nguyen, and 1 more author
    Pattern Recognition Letters, Jun 2020
  5. ICFHR
    A Semantic Segmentation-based Method for Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition
    Kha Cong Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and Masaki Nakagawa
    In Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, ICFHR 2020, Jun 2020
  6. ICFHR
    A Siamese Network-based Approach for Matching Various Sizes of Excavated Wooden Fragments
    Trung Tan Ngo, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and Masaki Nakagawa
    In Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, ICFHR 2020, Jun 2020
  7. ICFHR
    Attention Augmented Convolutional Recurrent Network for Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition
    Nam Tuan Ly, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and Masaki Nakagawa
    In Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, ICFHR 2020, Jun 2020
  8. ICPR
    Online trajectory recovery from offline handwritten Japanese kanji characters of multiple strokes
    Hung Tuan Nguyen, Tsubasa Nakamura, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2020, Jun 2020


  1. An online overlaid handwritten Japanese text recognition system for small tablet
    Jianjuan Liang, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Bilan Zhu, and 1 more author
    Pattern Analysis and Applications, Jun 2019
  2. PRL
    Robust and real-time stroke order evaluation using incremental stroke context for learners to write Kanji characters correctly
    Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Hung Tuan Nguyen, Kazuhiro Mita, and 1 more author
    Pattern Recognition Letters, Apr 2019
  3. Recognition of anomalously deformed kana sequences in Japanese historical documents
    Nam Tuan Ly, Kha Cong Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and 1 more author
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Apr 2019
  4. PRL
    Text-independent writer identification using convolutional neural network
    Hung Tuan Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Takeya Ino, and 2 more authors
    Pattern Recognition Letters, Apr 2019
  5. ICDAR
    A character attention generative adversarial network for degraded historical document restoration
    Kha Cong Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Seiji Hotta, and 1 more author
    Apr 2019
  6. An attention-based end-to-end model for multiple text lines recognition in japanese historical documents
    Nam Tuan Ly, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and Masaki Nakagawa
    Apr 2019
  7. Deep Convolutional Recurrent Network for Segmentation-Free Offline Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition
    Nam Tuan Ly, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Kha Cong Nguyen, and 1 more author
    Apr 2019


  1. PR
    A database of unconstrained Vietnamese online handwriting and recognition experiments by recurrent neural networks
    Hung Tuan Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Pham The Bao, and 1 more author
    Pattern Recognition, Apr 2018
  2. Clustering Offline Handwritten Mathematical Answers for Computer-Assisted Marking
    Vu Tran Minh Khuong, Huy Quang Ung, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligent, ICPRAI 2018, Apr 2018
  3. ICFHR 2018-Competition on Vietnamese online handwritten text recognition using HANDS-VNOnDB (VOHTR2018)
    Hung Tuan Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and Masaki Nakagawa
    Apr 2018
  4. Online Japanese handwriting recognizers using recurrent neural networks
    Hung Tuan Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and Masaki Nakagawa
    Apr 2018
  5. Training an end-to-end model for offline handwritten Japanese text recognition by generated synthetic patterns
    Nam Tuan Ly, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and Masaki Nakagawa
    In Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, ICFHR 2018, Apr 2018


  1. A segmentation method of single- and multiple-touching characters in offline handwritten Japanese text recognition
    Kha Cong Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and Masaki Nakagawa
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Apr 2017
  2. Attempts to recognize anomalously deformed Kana in Japanese historical documents
    Hung Tuan Nguyen, Nam Tuan Ly, Kha Cong Nguyen, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing, HIP 2017, Apr 2017
  3. Tens of thousands of nom character recognition by deep convolution neural networks
    Cong Kha Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, and Nakagawa Masaki
    In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing, HIP 2017, Apr 2017